Thursday, May 03, 2007


We had some storm last night. I wasn't actually here to appreciate it. I went out for girl's night out with the birthday girls. By the time I got home everyone was sound asleep. I wasn't even out late. Apparently when the power goes out, and stays out, there isn't much to keep them entertained. The drive home was a challenge because the traffic lights were out and there were trees down across some of the roads. A bunch of the newly planted trees down Exchange pulled up, many of the largest pear tree limbs broke off. The pears bloom beautifully in the Spring but they tend to horde water which makes the branches heavy. The wind was too much for them. A few of the tractor trailers parked at the construction sites blew over too.

I missed it all happily tiling my mosaic picture frame and chatting with the girls. We topped the evening off with an excellent dinner at Cantina Laredo.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

All in all, sounds like a great evening. Did you get some "quiet time" once you got home?

Too bad about the trees, though:-(