Thursday, June 14, 2007

Work productivity

It has been a tense few days around the office. But we have completed our annual certification audit with flying colors. It always feels good when they acknowledge the hard work that we've done and remind even when they remind upper management that there are still improvements that need to happen (which of course we've been begging for for some time). The traditional end of the audit is celebrated at a local pub with a few drinks and yesterday was no exception. For a change this year a few of us stayed longer at the bar than we spent at work that day. It made for a very long day but it was worth it. I will even go so far as to say that the work that was accomplished during the course of the evening was invaluable. Conversations that really needed to happen but couldn't be worked in to every one's travel schedules finally have been completed, the team refocused and quite a few misconceptions cleared up. Plus it was a really fun time with a good group.

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