Monday, July 30, 2007
Indoor begins... sort of
Another Jr Sprint
Sara took first in the 5K and in the 1K. Claire placed second in the 1K. Amanda, Katie and Sunil all finished the 1K. I thought that attendance might be low because of the rain but they had record crowds and the weather was really very pleasant. We didn't arrive until the rain had moved on past the course.
The Order of the Phoenix
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Deathly Hallows
I did manage to buy the last of the Harry Potter books Saturday on our way home from TN. I finished it just before walking in to work on Monday morning. This was good, I figured I’d have to stay up all night or call in sick to get through it.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Token me pictures

That's why they call it nature

In honor of GranpaJohn....

A few pictures from our hiking adventure
A few shots from Mammoth Cave

Mammoth is not really known for its cave formations but it isn't entirely boring.

The cave cricket is one of the few creatures that really lives in the cave.

A wonderful time was had by all
We are back from our vacation. We had drama (more about the plight of the minivan later), we had excitement (a closely contested round of putt-putt golf), we had adventure (bobcat tracks and bear scat), we overcame adversity (those tracks weren't near the car), we had family (Neilanses, Underwoods, and Sharmas) and we had fun (we always do)!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
We have grown an impressive (and aggressive) crop of mosquitoes this year. The season usually last only a week or two and I feel put out if I get more than a half dozen bites the whole time. This year in a single outing I can acquire more than a dozen before I even remember that I should use bug spray and this has been going on for more than two months. I'm pretty well miserable. I am now sporting two inch welts on both legs and both sides of both ankles. I've scratched myself bloody in a dozen places. Today my friend introduced me to the Benadryl Itch Relief Stick. I don't think I've ever tried it before, but I recognized it when she showed it to me. I love it. Just a dab and I'm no longer scratching. I may even sleep tonight.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunil has been practicing his tree identification skills. He identified the tree in our backyard as a Basswood. They aren't precisely rare but they are uncommon in Texas. It was probably a scrub tree that was left from before the construction rather than a cultivated choice. It provides shade for the hammock and the bird house that's good enough for me.
His identification of the tree in the front yard ended in a tie between a Coastal Live Oak and a Gray Oak but even the guide book says that it can't hlep with hybrids and most Oaks in Texas are hybrids.
The little twig of a tree that we planted when we moved in is now taller than I am and, thankfully, fuller too. He identified it as a specific kind of Maple, but I don't remember the particulars.
The one that we haven't gotten too yet is pictured here....

Friday, July 06, 2007
All grown up and traveling alone
Last Day
Today was Amy's last day here at work. On the good news front she is taking some time to try the stay at home mom lifestyle and see if she likes it. I'm pretty sure that she will love it.
On the bad news front we've been eating lunch together at least a couple of times a week for eleven years. Even when we took time off to have kids we hauled our infant children to restaurants all over town. She has been a true friend, a mentor and a confidant. It just won't be the same come Monday.