Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yay Benadryl!

We have grown an impressive (and aggressive) crop of mosquitoes this year. The season usually last only a week or two and I feel put out if I get more than a half dozen bites the whole time. This year in a single outing I can acquire more than a dozen before I even remember that I should use bug spray and this has been going on for more than two months. I'm pretty well miserable. I am now sporting two inch welts on both legs and both sides of both ankles. I've scratched myself bloody in a dozen places. Today my friend introduced me to the Benadryl Itch Relief Stick. I don't think I've ever tried it before, but I recognized it when she showed it to me. I love it. Just a dab and I'm no longer scratching. I may even sleep tonight.


-lyn said...

Take that friend out to lunch!

Since we are in the drought this year, we are enjoying what you usually enjoy ... I guess time about is fair play!

Team Sharma said...

Not only did I sleep but only one of the treated bites is still larger than 1/2"!

Tracy said...

I've gotta hand it to miracle cures - they really are miraculous!

I didn't even know Benadryl existed until after coming to Japan. I owe Brian many thanks!