Tuesday, February 26, 2008
School Board
On the other hand I learned a lot more about foreign language instruction and ESL classes in the ISD. For only two languages is it possible to study for four or five years: French and Spanish, and those classes are taught as correspondance courses from the UTD. I'd never really considered taking a language class via the internet but with the advances in computer technology and the easy access of recording and digitizing equipment it may actually have some benefits over traditional instruction. In the "lab" clasess when you repeat a word or phrase it can make you repeat it until your pronunciation is correct.... weird. Last night the foreign languages department head was lobbying the Board to grant funds for the incorporation of ASL has an approved "foreign" language.
Monday, February 25, 2008
End of an era
Yesterday Sheela finished the last book of the Harry Potter series. She's been reading these since second grade. She was toying with the idea of rereading the last three books but I've convinced her to take a break and try something else (anything else) for a change first. Today I offered her: Rascal, Watership Down, Every Living Thing, Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates and a collection of American Folktales. I'm not sure which she chose to take to school.
Friday, February 22, 2008
We are voluntarily being brought up on truancy charges for pulling our children out of school during the school year. We have two choices: we can either withdraw the children from school and then re-enroll when we return (but they will be at a different school because we'd loose our spot) or we can go and defend ourselves before the judge. This is the same rule that we violated last year by going on the cruise but the ISD has stepped up their enforcement efforts. I'm opting for the judge.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I saw my first wild lynx yesterday. He was standing in a field between the local teen skate park and the library by a secluded bend in the river. He stood still long enough for me to have a great look at him: ear tufts, blunt tail, beautiful markings, long enough for me to get the camera out of my purse, turn it on, focus out the window, but not quite long enough to take the picture (and have him still be it).
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Ebenezer Allen
I had high expectations for our unique twist on the weekend but it was not to be. We made Eb stay behind in the car when we went out for dinner. Sunil did not attend fencing lessons so neither did Eb. Sunil didn't collect the canned food drive donations with his cub scout troop (because he was supposed to be fencing) and we forgot to take Ebenezer with us on our walk this morning. Sunil is not coming to Sheela's soccer game and we won't have to time to get to the library this weekend. This may well be the least interesting weekend of poor Eb's life.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Black spiderman
Battery Park
Snow pics
"Sometimes you feel like a nut..."
Friday, February 15, 2008
Some catch up photos

The Annual Pinewood Derby was held last month. both kids made cars but I don't seem to have the pictures of Sunil's. Her Sheela is showing off her version. It is decorated with a large compass and a casino poker chip. Sunil raced in his division and had a great time. I was too late getting Sheela back for her to enter the siblings division so she had to race in the "Outlaws" division. The only other two cars entered were made of solid metal and outweighed her by about 4:1. She didn't have a chance. But she did still have a good time.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The week of the Bike
This was the week that we read The Bicycle Mystery, Boxcar Children #15 (not to be confused with The Great Bicycle Race Mystery, Boxcar Children #76) as our bedtime story. In keeping with the theme Sheela convinced Sunil to dust off his bicycle and actually ride it. While denying that he was afraid to ride he has made no secret of the fact that he would rather do anything else since proving that he could ride without the training wheels nearly a year ago. He is now quite a little show off and he is pushing us to arrange the family bike ride through
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Red Dot
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Travel two
I'm getting on a plane with a businessman with a spider tatooed on his forehead. Oddly enough he isn't the only one, there is another spider-bedecked brow in the restaurant behind me. It is not attractive.
I'm entering hour number 4 hanging out at the airport. Storms in Chicago have disrupted air travel. We are fortunate to have seats leaving tonight. I 'm really ready to be home. The trip was a sucess and I've enjoyed my co-workers company but enough is enough.