Monday, February 25, 2008

End of an era

Yesterday Sheela finished the last book of the Harry Potter series.  She's been reading these since second grade.  She was toying with the idea of rereading the last three books but I've convinced her to take a break and try something else (anything else) for a change first.  Today I offered her: Rascal, Watership Down, Every Living Thing, Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates and a collection of American Folktales.  I'm not sure which she chose to take to school.



Tracy said...

Watership Down still sits on my bookshelf (and is MUCH less troubling than The Plague Dogs by the same author!); love that book; same of Every Living Thing.

The Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin might (or might not) be entertaining...

Team Sharma said...

I was thinking about Le Guin the other day when you said you'd received an autogrphed book in the mail. I had Le Guin autograph a copy of The Earthsea set for a friend when I was in college. It was a much used set that I'd "borrowed" from him. When I mailed it back to him he was offended. She'd written that she too was falling apart. He assumed that I told her that he was falling apart (he was all of 23). Of course she meant that the books were falling apart.

Brenda said...

What about "A Wrinkle In Time"? I loved that book as a kid. Just don't remember how old i was when i read it.

Brenda said...
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Brenda said...

Oh, and I LOVED the ending to the last Harry Potter book. It was, in one word, BRILLANT!