Friday, February 22, 2008


We are voluntarily being brought up on truancy charges for pulling our children out of school during the school year.  We have two choices: we can either withdraw the children from school and then re-enroll when we return (but they will be at a different school because we'd loose our spot) or we can go and defend ourselves before the judge.  This is the same rule that we violated last year by going on the cruise but the ISD has stepped up their enforcement efforts.  I'm opting for the judge.



-lyn said...

I was going to say "Good luck," but that might jinx you, so maybe I should say "Break a leg" or some such sentiment. At any rate, we promise we will come visit you in jail (and will bring you a cake with a file in it....)

Tracy said...

Schools seems more strict now, I think...

Travel is educational too, so we're rooting for you!

Brenda said...

Once the judge hears all the cool, educational things you did on your trip, he/she will probably applaud you!