I did most of my vacation blog entries as emails sent from my Blackberry. I'm pretty sure that this was not what the company had in mind when they issued it to me but it worked perfectly. I also answered a phone call or two and responded to a couple of work related emails, but I'm pleased to say that for the most part I was truly on vacation. Sid on the other hand worked constantly while we were on the move (which was often) but did a remarkable job of turning off the job when we were otherwise engaged. We managed to complete two business deals while we were gone (that should have happened before we left). The first was a closing conducted by Sid at a local Title company. The second even more complicated deal involved receiving an email with the documents, forwarding them back to the UPS store for printing, we signed, they notarized and then retuned back by overnight UPS delivery. There are times when I love technology.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Technology on the road
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A family ride
As it turned out they missed the meeting, but caught us in time to have us bring their bikes too. We ended up taking a family ride around the 10-mile trail. It was a beautiful day to be out by the water: overcast but warm, breezy but not gusty. We did the whole ride in just over two hours, including an ice cream stop. Sunil slept the whole way home in the car but he did great. I was pretty proud of the rest of us too.
Sweathearts of the Rodeo Dance - 2008

Once again Sunil took me dancing. This year we arrived right on time and were practically first in line to get our pictures made. This got us through all of the games and in to the dancing super early. We danced until Sunil couldn't take it anymore (about 10 minutes) and then he was ready to leave. We stuck it out for an hour and a half all told and then went for ice cream with Travis and Jaynellen.
I almost forgot to mention Sunil's new fancy belt. Since the rest of his outfit is a retread I thought he'd earned one thing new. He really wants me to buy a hat too but I've put that off another year.
Home again, home again, jiggity jog
While we were gone the house was struck by lightening in apparently dramatic, shower-of-sparks-type fashion. The surge protectors gave their lives so that our electronics could live... except for our Vonage router and one set of cordless phones. Without the router the phones were out here at home for the next 10 days. Luckily the Sharmas primarily use their cell phone anyway. I spent an hour or so talking through the reboot procedures with the Vonage technical assistant only to find that the ports were fried and the warranty expired. I opted to purchase a new router from a local store rather than wait for a shipment. We once again have our landline but only three functioning handsets. I just don't plan to answer the phone until we get an extra set.
The kid's bathroom was re-tiled and painted while we were gone. The new tile looks great but the walls (now textured and the color of biscuits) looks a little plain. The kids were unable to agree on an accent color or on accent art to jazz it up. So we bought watercolors and spent some time creating frameable masterpieces. Apparently we need to spend some more time on the venture as we've not yet produced anything we want to see everyday.
Sunil (with Sheela's subtle manipulation) chose a western blouse for me to wear to the rodeo dance. Western wear is extremely expensive for a cheapskate like me. But they chose a relatively simple white blouse with silver studs and white fringe (for western wear that is simple) and it was on sale. This almost made up for the shock of seeing $200 blue jeans in person.
We managed to drain the hot tub but we haven't cleaned it out yet (it keeps drizzling and I don't really want to do it). Once I overcome the mental block we can refill it and begin the processes of balancing the pH and charging the sanitizer. This is a quarterly activity.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Homeward bound
The time is 8:08 PM and we're heading home. If we manage to drive five hours or so we can make one long day tomorrow ending up in our own beds. That let's us sleep late, make the t-ball game and the Sweethearts of the Rodeo Mother/Son dance without being exhausted.... A good deal all the way around.
Jr Rangers, again and again
The Walking Dredge
The 2nd airboat
Wet and Wild Swamp Walk Tour Photos
Canoe trip photos
A few photos
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Crocodiles galore
Well we found something to do in Flamingo. We took a backcountry boat trip. This time the canal was lined with crocs. We even saw a bonus snake. At best guess it was a nonvenomous mangrove watersnake. I don't know who spotted it first but it was mighty hard to see. It was the same color and texture as the mangrove branch upon which it was resting.
We are treating ourselves to dinner at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co in Miami. We have reservations on the deck. Then we will drive back to Sun City Center. We should be at Dad's around midnight.
No coral reef this trip
The winds were too high today for the glass bottom boats to go out so we aren't going the see the reefs. The kids did finish their Jr Ranger programs from all three National Parks (plus Florida State Parks).
Oma and Opa have headed back to the house. We decided to drive down to the Flamingo entrance to the Everglades. There may be something to do there today, there may not. We'll figure it out.
Monday, March 24, 2008
This vacation rocks!!!
We just survived the Wet and Wild Swamp Walk! It was awesome. You start off imediately in water up to your ankles and on super slippery mud. You progress through mud up to your knees before getting in to the cypress swamp. The taller the trees the deeper the water. By the time we got back in to the gator hole the trees were huge and the water was up to mid-thigh. Sunil was up to his neck on many occaissions and Sheela up to her waist. We did not see the gator, they know at least one male lives there. The hole was large enough to support 20 females during the dry season so there were probably a few around. We also walked around a few of the hammocks where the Panthers stay during the day. They are so thick you would never be able to see the panther even if he was there.
Coon hunting
As last night may have been our last camping night we decided that it might be our last night to spot a racoon (one of only two animals left on our list). But it was late when we made camp and we decided we needed to focus on using up our firewood and getting to bed early. Lucky for us the racoons came to us instead of us going out to search. In fact we almost couldn't sleep because they were so close to the tent door and getting in to occaisional disagreements with each other.
When we were in the 10,000 Islands they mentioned that the racoons here are only 4-5 pounds. That is pretty small compared to the 20-25 pound mainland coons. These were definitely mainland. We had at least three: two jumbo and one monster.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
High Praise
For JT's and the Gumbo Limbo Art Gallery in Chokolokosi, FL. This was one of the nicest dinners that we've had. The food was great and the gallery cute. It didn't hurt that they saved a piece of homemade French Silk pie just for me.
Swampbuggy - Not
About the only thing that we've not yet done here in the Everglades is ride the swampbuggy. We bought tickets to ride this Easter afternoon but the drivers had other ideas. They cut out early for the day so we were left hanging. To make up for the inconvienience we are going to get a bonus airboat ride tomorrow (after our buggy trip). Today we went back to the boardwalk to show Oma and Opa the Bald Eagle's nest. Too cool, the volunteer with the telescope was back today showing the eagle.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Rainy Day Vacation
We chose the right day to do nothing. We awoke to a cool morning sun and plenty of interesting birds. We'd slept under the screens on the lanai. As the morning wore on the sky clouded over and by the time we hit the zoo it was sprinkling. We mostly read books and did laundry today. Tomorrow is soon enough to get back in to the camping and hiking.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Shark Valley
The Shark Valley is no where near any sharks but it is along the Shark River. The Shark is the widest river (and possibly the slowest) in the world at the southern end it is a birthing ground for many sharks.
We took a two-hour tram ride through the valley on a paved road set slightly higher than the surrounding wetlands (at the end of the dry season). We literally saw hundreds of alligators of all ages and sizes. The very best was the last one, a large male eating a large turtle with his head right next to the trail. The shell cracking sounded like a gun shot.
We also saw: a black crested night heron, a roseated spoonbill, wood storks, a bald eagle (with a baby) on their nest, herons (great blue, great, and tricolor) , ibis, egrets, kites, anahingas, vultures (turkey and black), a purple galineau, and so many more I can't even keep track.
The kids earned their Florida State Junior Ranger badges at Collier-Seminole State Park and their NPS Junior Ranger badges for the Everglades National Park.
Tonight we are heading back to Naples to sleep in real beds and do some laundry. Tomorrow will be a rest day before we join up with Oma and Opa to tackle Big Cypress and Biscayne Bay.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Canoe Trip - Check
We nearly caved this morning and skipped the trip up the Turner River through the mangrove trees. The winds were still high and you have to cross the open bay. Another couple had just swamped , 15ft offshore, they were very vocal about the dangerous winds, that combined with the mud and blood smeared on their legs almost pushed us back. Sid shored up our courage and out we went.
This was a fabulous trip. We went three to a canoe and headed up the bay, under the bridge and up the river. Two hours in we grabbed on to some mangrove branches and had lunch. Then we continued up until the mangroves closed us in. We could hardly pass through the channel. Eventually we turned around (no one was around to witness our graceless turn) and headed back to the dock.
This was the closest I've ever felt to real wilderness. There was no sign of people anywhere. The river was perfectly smooth, the world was all green and brown with no dividing line. It would have made a fantastic photograph but we'd left the cameras in the car.
Of course after four and a half hours of constant paddling we can hardly feed ourselves. Dinner is going to be fabulous if we can get it into our mouths and we will sleep well tonight.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Airboat Rides
What a fabulous ride. We saw a ton of birds and a half a dozen aligators. I've always loved being on the water with the wind in my face and the sun on my arms. It's even better with Sunil snuggled up to my side. I found that I love to watch the BIG white birds startle up from the flats. The quick flash of white against the browns and greens... too beautiful!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wow - what a day
We slept in (after a late night at the Comedy Club) then packed up and headed to the beach. The water was cold but refreshing. We've seen pelicans and dolphins and are on our way to try to find the burrowing owls. Tomorrow we'll head into the Everglades to view the aligators and to ride the airboats.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday morning in the Bible Belt
We spent a wonderful day with Oma and Opa swimming at the clubhouse, watching the sandhill cranes and such but now we are on the road again. We are two hours out from Mom and John and struggling to find something on the radio that isn't "preachy".
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Nearly there
We did drive straight through so we should be at Dad's in another hour or so. We just stopped for a double fill-up -- lunch and gas. Lunch was Sonic's popcorn chicken and the gas was $3.34 per gallon. That is the most I've ever had to pay for gas. At home is was still less than $3.20 a gallon without the loyalty discount.
Friday, March 14, 2008
We are in the car and on the road. Driving straight through Garmen says we will be at Dad's by noon tomorrow. In the real world we will stop for the night when we get too tired to continue. We should still be at Dad's by early evening. It feels good to off (and for two weeks too!)
It must be Spring
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
and the verdict is...... Healthy
NeXT - Destination Imagination Tournament

It was tournament weekend here in the northeast texas region for DI. Both the kids teams gave really great performances. This was the first time I'd really seen Sunil's full show and my first glimpse of Sheela's at any level.

Sheela's team did a wild bit about the lost princess of Atlantis being returned home in time for the Atlantian Talent Show. It was really well done, very fun and won them a "Spirit of DI" award.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Snow in Big D

Our annual snowfall happened last night and it was a beauty. We had 3-4 inches piled up on our cars and such. The roads were pretty well cleared by morning and the kids still had to go to school. They did manage a few minutes to play before class, but the best I could do was a photo in the parking lot at the office. It should be back in the 50s by lunch time.
Monday, March 03, 2008
DI Count Down
With less than a week to go I'm watching Sunil's DI team run through their play. This is the first time I've seen it. It is very cute. They are astrounts that discover that some of the moon rocks cure disease (and hiccups).
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Spring Training
Welcome to Spring. Today is the first T-ball practice (and the first Fencing class). It is a beautiful day to be out at the ballpark (or in the neighborhood park), kicking back watching the boys throw the ball at each other. Over the previous year almost all of the boys have learned to throw and I've heard that one of them learned to catch but I haven't seen him do it yet.