Monday, March 31, 2008

Technology on the road

I did most of my vacation blog entries as emails sent from my Blackberry.  I'm pretty sure that this was not what the company had in mind when they issued it to me but it worked perfectly.  I also answered a phone call or two and responded to a couple of work related emails, but I'm pleased to say that for the most part I was truly on vacation.  Sid on the other hand worked constantly while we were on the move (which was often) but did a remarkable job of turning off the job when we were otherwise engaged.  We managed to complete two business deals while we were gone (that should have happened before we left).  The first was a closing conducted by Sid at a local Title company.  The second even more complicated deal involved receiving an email with the documents, forwarding them back to the UPS store for printing, we signed, they notarized and then retuned back by overnight UPS delivery.  There are times when I love technology.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I frequently think about how far technology has come, and much I do appreciate it. Being able to use my cell phone just about anywhere in the world is a real bonus! The Blackberry is still not popular here at all,though, but it sounds very cool!