Thursday, March 20, 2008

Canoe Trip - Check

We nearly caved this morning and skipped the trip up the Turner River through the mangrove trees.  The winds were still high and you have to cross the open bay.  Another couple had just swamped , 15ft offshore, they were very vocal about the dangerous winds, that combined with the mud and blood smeared on their legs almost pushed us back.  Sid shored up our courage and out we went. 

This was a fabulous trip.  We went three to a canoe and headed up the bay, under the bridge and up the river.  Two hours in we grabbed on to some mangrove branches and had lunch.  Then we continued up until the mangroves closed us in.  We could hardly pass through the channel.  Eventually we turned around (no one was around to witness our graceless turn) and headed back to the dock. 

This was the closest I've ever felt to real wilderness.  There was no sign of people anywhere.  The river was perfectly smooth, the world was all green and brown with no dividing line.    It would have made a fantastic photograph but we'd left the cameras in the car.

Of course after four and a half hours of constant paddling we can hardly feed ourselves.  Dinner is going to be fabulous if we can get it into our mouths and we will sleep well tonight.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

That sounds awesome! Probably good that you left the cameras in the car - Murphy's Law would surely have meant a tipped canoe and wet camera.