Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I finally finished reading all four of the "Twilight" books.  The third was my favorite but I did enjoy them all.  I decided that Sheela can read all four of them but large portions of the 4th will go completely over her head so much so that she may not choose to read the whole thing.  That's okay too.  This does clear the way for me to finish my holiday shopping and then read "The Tales of Beadle the Bard", "Lost" and the "Eragon" series all of which Sheela received as birthday presents.


In the meantime I have promised myself that I won't start anything else until the out of town gifts have been dispatched and I haven't sent a single one yet.  Before I can start that though I have a vendor dinner to attend tonight (followed by late night grocery shopping) and a company dinner tomorrow night… maybe tomorrow at lunch I can squeeze in internet shopping.


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