Friday, May 08, 2009

The Trip

I really missed being at home this time which is not to say that I didn’t have a great trip.  Outside of the office we didn’t get to see or do much of anything but that was made up by a very productive training session.  The big software package that I’ve been begging for for the last four years is still not mine but this one if filling my days nicely.  It is very complicated to set up correctly so that the maintenance will be minimized but I’m enjoying the challenge.  I have two other team members that are both awesome and we work really well together.  The three of us would be my ideal crew for most of the projects that I’d like to tackle over the next two years.  Now that I’m back in the office I need to clear away some of the inevitable paperwork so that I can get back to playing with my new toy. 


But in true May (read as “Hell Month” fashion) we go straight from work to a baseball game, then on to a two night cub scout camp out, back in time to do laundry and celebrate Mother’s Day with the In-laws and back to work. 

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Glad to hear everything is going so well with your project - and with your crew.