Monday, January 18, 2010

Giants of the Savannah

The zoo is opening a whole new section Memorial Day Weekend.  It will be called Giants of the Savannah and will have large enclosures for a band of 10 elephants (we have only two right now), 12 giraffes (we have only three right now) and a pride of lions (our male lion passed away and the lioness has been off exhibit ever since).  Hand feeding of the giraffes will be allowed and a part of the Junior Zoo Keeper program last the kids got to start socializing the two newer giraffes by feeding them and getting them used to crowds of kids up close.  The Junior Zookeepers get to do one field trip/special event almost every week when they work.  Sometimes it’s a back lot tour of the tiger cages during their training, sometimes it will be a special talk with one of the keepers.  This program sounds so cool.


BTW – Sunil wants to have his birthday party at the Zoo this year.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

The Dallas Zoo has always been right up there with the best ... Can hardly wait to see the new exhibits. We're thrilled that Sunil wants to go there for his birthday ... assuming we'll be there!
The program sounds so cool, too - we've got our fingers crossed for Sheela to get on their roster.