Saturday, January 09, 2010

Hectic Times

There are times when so much is going on that I can hardly think straight.  December was one of those times.  Every year, some where along the line in December I start to think “how nice it will be when crunch time is over and we get back to our normal level of activity.”  That is a good thought and pretty predictive but a little while later that morphs in to “I can’t wait until the holidays are over so that we aren’t rushed, over committed and stressed.”  That’s just dumb. We are rushed, over committed and stressed – all the time.  We do it to our selves.  Realizing that the stress didn’t go away after the holidays was worse than having the extra stress in the first place.


School is back in session these days which means Basketball practice, DI practice, marathon club, technology club, UIL teams, PRIDE council and Cub Scouts are back on the weekly list.  Kids Club is a life saver because the kids stay at school in the afternoons for Kids Club we don’t have to take them back and forth to most of those other activities.


Today Sid has gone to work out, I’m taking both kids to Sheela’s UIL competition.  She is on the “Number Sense” team for her school.  They have 10 minutes to solve as many math problems as they can without writing down anything but the answer.  The award ceremony will be this afternoon.  This evening Sunil has team pictures followed by a late basketball game.  After that Sid and I are going to the last holiday party of the season.  Tomorrow Sheela has an informational session at the zoo.  She is applying to be a Junior Zoo Keeper for both the Spring and Fall sessions.  The whole family may make a whole Zoo day of it but it only about 20 F here and that idea might get scrapped.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Well, sweetie, one of our favorite Japanese sayings is: "Gambatte"

which roughly means, "you go, girl!" well, something like that.

Anyway, we love you all and are very proud of all of you ... and we know it's stressful and are sympathetic!!!