of today's parent teacher conference was great kid, very smart, though once he starts sucking his thumb he goes straight to lazy. It's true, once his thumb gets plugged in all other functions stop (except for the hair twirling). He works fast, he works neatly, he is very thorough right up until the thumb and then he just sits for 45 minutes to an hour and a half doing nothing but sucking and twirling. If recess didn't roll around he'd probably never snap out of it. Everyone else gets to go out to play but he has to stay inside until his work is done. It usually takes less than five minutes for him to finish up.
He cut way back on the thumb sucking for awhile. It increases when he's tired and we've let him stay up way to late too many times lately. That isn't helping.
He has mastered his letter sounds, short and long vowels and most combinations, he mastered the hundred board and all of the relational works (heavy to light, smooth to rough, big to small, dark to light, etc), the continents, the oceans, the states, map concepts, the hundred board, addition and subtraction, grouping, all sorts of great stuff.