Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A life outside

Saturday Mommy finally got a chance to break out of the house for a little while. She practiced getting into (and out of) the Taurus. I feel a lot better knowing that it really isn't hard for her to do. While she was out they went for a spin around the block in her wheelchair.

Since then she has actually been out to the store a few times. We tried to get her in to the new van, but it is still a little bit too high. She doesn't have the upper body strength to pull herself up into the chair from the floor and she can't stand up well enough on either foot to push herself up and in. The Expedition is going to be even less likely, but we still have a few weeks to work on that before we leave for Tennessee.

The only bad news is that someone ran a red light yesterday and smashed up the Taurus. It's still drivable (if you don't count the missing headlight) but the passenger door doesn't open. Luckily Mommy wasn't in the car at the time and daddy wasn't hurt. She can still get in the backseat and the repairs are set to occur while we are out of town.

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