Wednesday, July 05, 2006

You call that a storm?

We finally had a little bit of rain here. Massive thunderstorms flew through last night they actually had to cancel the Grande Finale of the Kaboom-town Fireworks show. The storms that came our way were a little bit more tame. We had nearly 10-minutes of great, big, beautiful rain drops but when it was all said and done, the grass underneath the Frisbee wasn't even moist and the ground wasn't muddy. We still need 20 inches of rain to get out of the drought, storms like this just aren't going to do it.

Our traditional fireworks show is put on by the city of Plano. When we lived there we just walked across the street to the park to watch the show and then walked back home. Last year we drove back over, so we had to deal with traffic on the return trip, but the viewing was clear, easy and free. This year when we got to the park, it was empty (except for one group of four teenagers). I was afraid that the show had been cancelled due to weather. So we drove South to the launch site to make sure. Normally the high school is all roped off to restrict access (unless you walk-in and pay to enter the grounds). This year there were no gates, banners or signs (there was one sign -- we'll get back to it in a minute). We waited in line for a few minutes and joined the throng to enter the grounds, once we got in to the parking lot we realized that it was less than 1/3 full but everyone was set up to watch the show. I thought I'd seen a sign on our way in, it was the size of a "FOR SALE" sign in someone's front yard. I wasn't sure but it looked like it said "Oak Point Park", which is about five miles away. We went back to see the sign and sure enough "Fireworks moved to Oak Point Park", so we left everyone else sitting there and tried to get across town. Because of weather they started the show 20 minutes early, we didn't make it all the way over. We stopped to watch from the Wal-mart parking lot. Sitting under the parking lot flood lights cost the night a lot of charm and magic. At least it didn't rain on us, and we had chairs.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

It sounds like you still had a good time. It seems like Murphy's Law sometimes - just expect to be surprised!