Monday, July 10, 2006

Telling Time

I know that I should be helping Sunil learn to tell time instead of working against him, but I was so tired yesterday. He did exchange the scooter for a pair of skates. Then we went swimming and that wore us all out. Sunil can actually swim now. So he went back and forth between us endlessly (in really shallow water). I fell asleep twice after we got home and before dinner. By 8:00 PM I was ready to bribe him to go to bed. Instead I told him it was 9:30 and he'd already been up too late. He went right to bed with no complaints. I was in bed by 8:30 more or less. I had to get up a few more times to switch around the laundry but I feel like a whole new woman today.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

The value of sleep should not be underestimated - I don't think I could have made it as late as 8:30 after such an active day.