Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Cashews...

Two weeks to go until Christmas and I've already eaten myself sick.  One vendor sent tins of cashews to all of us that handle their products, one vendor sent tins of Belgian cookies dipped in chocolate to all of us that handle their products, our Italian sisters sent a selection of gourmet, Italian cookies and chocolates, the baking ladies are making fudge, cookies, tartlets, cakes, popcorn balls, salsa and tamales (it is Texas after all).  Yesterday was a vendor lunch and a vendor dinner, today was lunch with a co-worker, Thursday is a departmental lunch, Monday is a holiday luncheon, Wednesday is a baby shower (lunch and afternoon cake) and Saturday is the holiday party complete with dinner and dessert buffet.  All of this does not even take in to account our baseline assortment of chocolate, candy and birthday cakes.  It would be easy to gain a pound or two everyday around here if you don't exercise willpower.  Luckily, I ate so many of the cashews that I can't even look at the rest… except for maybe one chocolate dipped profiterole…… and maybe some divinity…..


Tracy said...

Italian cookies and chocolate and cashews sound like very enticing temptations!

Hang onto your willpower.

-lyn said...

Good luck with your willpower with all that food out there every day!