Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas comes early

Our little family celebrated the holidays here at home this weekend. The kids opened a gift each on Saturday night which then necessitated staying up late to play. Sunday morning we finished up with the home gifts. We did manage to space the goodies out over a couple of hours to better enjoy the individual gifts. In my mind the highlight was going to be Sunil's remote controlled, one-tenth scale, H2 Hummer. It was however an "out of the box" failure which then required us to actually go to a shopping mall two days before Christmas to complete the exchange. Our local Radio Shack, and all the others in a 20 mile radius, had already sold out. It actually worked out pretty well in the end, the mall had them on sale so I recouped some Christmas cash.

Sunil's favorite gift turned out to be his new Razor scooter with the red handle grips and the wheelie bar. Sheela's favorite has to be her new camera.

Tomorrow morning we are off to the airport. We are flying to NJ to visit Ravi, et al. Happy Holidays everyone!

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