Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Travel two

I'm getting on a plane with a businessman with a spider tatooed on his forehead.  Oddly enough he isn't the only one, there is another spider-bedecked brow in the restaurant behind me.  It is not attractive.


Ida Lau said...

LOL! A different take on arachnophobia. :)

-lyn said...

Oh, my gosh.

I was on the Atlanta Meetro subway once with a doofus with a tiny blinking light suspended from the bill of his ball cap ... distracting, but not in the same league with the tattoo!

Team Sharma said...

I guess I must confess, after closer inspection (the first couple of times I was still staying pretty far away) it turns out they both had ashes from their Ash Wednesday services one their foreheads. It makes much more sense but not nearly as interesting a story.

Tracy said...

Heheh. Interesting the connotations that obvious (and ugly) tats carry. I remember meeting someone - a Canadian - who had a poorly-done tattoo inked across his throat that said, "IRISH".

Bizarre...especially 'cause he wasn't:-)