Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Last Day

Today is my last workday before vacation.  I find this to be both relaxing and stressful at the same time… or more accurately it is stressful but I don't care.  I'm trying to tie up a lot of loose ends but no one else is feeling the same sense of urgency.  That's okay in nine more hours I'll be able to let it all go.  One of the benefits of getting older is that I really can let it go and not worry about it while I'm gone.  I used to feel way too important to all of my projects like they would languish and die if I took some time for me.  I've seen enough key, critical people leave when the world continued to spin for me to still think that it spins around me.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Very mature thinking!
Oh, and by the way ... can hardly wait to see you!
And, yes, we are saving some berries for you!