Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The ground has been broken

The ground breaking ceremony for our new facility was held today.  After a catered bbq lunch at the office we loaded everyone on to five coach buses and trekked up to our new home.  We'd erected a floored tent in the middle of our huge field, set up a PA system passed out bottled water, commemorative t-shirts and hard hats.  Silver shovels were presented by our four presidents (and one Sr VP) to the mayor, our landlord, our CEO, our North American President and a member of our board of directors.  Speeches we made, dirt shoveled and pictures taken.  Then we trekked back to the office.  In the tradition of our operations department we concluded with an Ops Team happy hour.  The day went off beautifully.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Sounds like it is all going well. That's great.