Thursday, June 30, 2005
We have A/C............
Meanwhile the fridge has been repaired and the last of the Sharma's belonging have been moved in here. We are within sight of restoring order to our lives.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Preselect Soccer?

Sid finishes cutting the edges in on the accent walls.
We finished painting the ceiling Monday night and then stayed up way too late painting the first two walls. The drywall was unprimed and the paint was, er, aged so it took many more coats than we'd anticipated. Luckily or neighbor Brenda dropped by around 10 PM and stayed for hours helping us get those two walls done. Since we used so much of the paint getting good coverage on those walls we decided we needed to get more to finish up. So we choose a new color for the remaining two walls and finished them up on Tuesday night. It's rather a soft brown and came out to be very pretty and it looks great with the streaks in the tile in the entryway. The satellite dish has been installed so we have TV and Computer capabilities in this room already (and we are working around the TV and the laptop). The refridfgerator repairman is due today to fix the short in the new fridge (which we've also been working around). Tonight we'll either install the A/C mini-split or tackle the wood (laminate)floor.

Monday, June 27, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Soccer and Refrigerators
Sheela has another soccer game today. The back up goalie didn't show again so Sheela had to stay in goal the whole game. That's three games in a row, she'd like a little bit of a break. They lost this game 4-2, but it was one of the best played and most exciting games they've had. Their opponent is placed 1st in the league and the Stingers have now dropped down to fourth. They have a week off for 4th of July and then playoffs will be the 9th.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Chaos reigns
Friday, June 24, 2005
Moving Day
I've cancelled our Cable Internet. It's been out since Sunday night and the best they can schedule is five more days for a service call. We are going to get rid of cable TV too. With the extra TVs in the house the better deal will be satellite TV.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
McKinney Food Bank
We didn't get much work done but we collected almost $1000 plus a ton of food for the food bank. And a good time was had by all.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

BladeRunner Trigger Finger Release Device
This is one of the new products that I released this month. I helped develop the manufacturing procedures and specify the parts and materials used to make the device. It is being used on live patients for the first time today.... so let's hope for the best. I was not the hand model used in this flyer.

Sunil and Sid both got their hair buzzed again too. I like it short, they both look great and Sunil let's me play with his head.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Tile and more....
Mark did come over and put the tile down in the entryway yesterday.
He also floated the walls for us. Last night Sid put in the grout.
No we have to figure out how to patch, texture and paint the walls and the
ceiling, put down the wood floor and seal the grout before
Friday. Sid has to take care of some repairs at the rental properties
today, plus the tax protests. Wednesday is a full day of wine
deliveries. I might be able to work in a day off to help, but if he
isn't there I wont be much good. We may not have the room ready for
Brian - It was nice to chat with you. I love checking in on all of your adventures too.
Instead of stressing about it we went swimming with Rick and Ericka
and then let Rick cook us dinner. A pretty good plan all the way
around if I do say so myself.
As an official kick off for Summer it's supposed to be 101 degrees
tomorrow, with humidity around 70%. Welcome to Texas. We will
celebrate at work with a fajita lunch, ice cream and the opportunity
to dunk our managers in an icy cold dunking booth.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Spaghetti Squash
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Sid and I did manage a night out Saturday night. We went to Paparazzi, one of my favorite Italian restaurants and one that is just starting to carry Sid's wine.
Third Place
Friday, June 17, 2005
Dinner cruise on Lake Lewisville
Thursday, June 16, 2005
The turkey vulture came back for breakfast.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The team has been built.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
Sid had a big day today.....
I've learned a new skill.....
This post was sent via email. Color me talented, or at least no
longer totally inept.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Sunil is still pretty little and yet......
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Another busy Saturday is done....
Ericka, one of Sheela's good friends is spending the night tonight. Sheela has only been asleep for an hour and Ericka just now fell asleep. It's 11:30! Sunil has been out for hours but has already had two nightmares. This has the makings of a very long night.
Dad, thanks for calling, it was good to talk to you!
Friday, June 10, 2005
On to something new...
The garage has been emptied.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Book of the Day
Just about the time I was really getting in to it, Sid wanted me to help move the garage junk into the new shed. Sure, it's still 90 degrees, humid and dark.... the perfect time to move junk in to an unventilated box with no light. Actually, we got quite a bit done and it was starting to cool off. We should finish up tonight and be ready for the garage remodeling to begin whenever they can get going.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Climbing Partners

Boldering July 2004 (Exposure Rock Gym)
Sheela started to climb with me last July and we just haven't been able to fit enough of it in. But we both really love it and we like that it's a sport that we can do together so we will make the effort to go a little bit more often. Sheela isn't quite strong enough to belay for me so either it's a whole night of her climbing or we have to bring along some other friends. She's growing taller and stronger all the time, pretty soon it will be just us.

Speed Racer
Right now my husband, Sid, and I have two of own children. Sheela is seven and a half (that half is important to children) and Sunil has recently turned four (he has asked to be five tomorrow but we can't seem to work it out). Until last week we had a foster son too. His name is Blake and he lives with his mother again now. In the Fall we should be ready to have another foster child... a girl this time, maybe five or six years old.