Monday, August 22, 2005

Queen of the Idiots... that's me

As you may recall, I was awarded a really neat little digital camera for my 10 year gift at work. I only used it for two months before frying it's little brain when my computer went to sleep and the USB cable was still connected. I've mis-placed all of the information that came with the camera including the warranty card which I never mailed in. I've put off trying to contact the company for awhile now because I knew that I would not be able to get the camera replaced. In the meantime I've kept it, with what little info I could find, in my beltpouch. I needed the beltpouch for the garage sale, so I pulled out the camera. Sunil fell in love with it.

So I gave it to him. It doesn't bother him that it doesn't turn on. He loves to take the picture and then turn it around to show you what it looks like. Since it doesn't turn on, now he gets to describe what the picture looks like to you too. That's usually the best part. After he played with it for an hour it occurred to me that I never removed the memory stick. I always transferred the data with the USB cable so I at the time when it dies the pictures that were still on it were lost. But the new camera I use at work came with stick reader that is compatible with my stick. So I pulled out the card and put it in my purse to bring on in to work.

Sunil watched me take it out. He assumed that I was removing the battery and asked me to put in a new one so that his camera will work again. I explained why that wont do the trick and he went away happy. It took me nearly an hour before I caved. I went and got fresh batteries, replaced the ones in the camera and fired it right on up.

Everything is always a good news/bad news sort of thing. Great the camera works, too bad I've just given to the four year old. Great that the camera works , bad that I figured it out after I had the summer of a life time without it. Oh, and it's too bad for Sunil -- he is still young and easily managed. He gave the camera back to me - that's good! But I still feel like the Queen of the Idiots.


-lyn said...

Hey, are you by any chance related to me? Love you! Mom

Tracy said...

Hilarious. Gotta love it when it all works out.