Friday, April 20, 2007

The weekend is shaping up

Tonight we start with Sunil's T-ball game and move directly in to the Spring Fling at the elementary school. This dance is an annual after TAKS-testing celebration. It is a family affair but very few of the fathers seem to show up.

Saturday morning Sheela's soccer game (quarterfinals) has been rescheduled to conflict with Sunil's team picture appointment. Sid will take Sheela and Claire to the game while I help herd around the 14 little Angels.

Theoretically we will meet up for lunch and then I will take the kids downtown to pick up the nieces. Ban is coming to town for a conference and the girls would like to see their grandparents. The grandparents are going out in the evening but I'm just staying home to do laundry so this is actually good for me as it will keep the kids entertained.

Sunday Ban will come back for the girls and we may actually get to visit with her some before she heads back home. Then Sheela has an early afternoon soccer game. I am leaving directly from there to go to the airport. I'm flying to Vancouver for a meeting on Monday. I actually get to travel alone for a change and I'm looking forward to it. The schedules aren't easy between here and there so I'll get to stay an extra night. The meeting shouldn't take more than a few hours after which I'm free to drive around and see British Columbia. I've never been there.

I'll fly back Tuesday arriving in time for what I hope to be the semifinal game between SuperBlue White and SuperBlue Royal.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

May I express my admiration for your "on the go-ness"? A busy but fun filled weekend, anyway!

As for Vancouver - can't say I've had the pleasure either (though I know many Vancourver-ites); hopefully you will have a chance to see a little more of B.C. than the inside of a board room.