Friday, November 16, 2007

Indoor soccer outdoors??

When Sheela signed back up to play indoor I had some basic expectations, they mostly involved heat, bleachers and indoor plumbing. But the indoor team arranged for a scrimmage last night against a crosstown rival and the game was played outside, at the edge of the practice complex with only half of the field lit and a wind chill of about 50oF. Aside from being cold (and therefore cranky), I was tired and the field is a size larger than when she last played as we've aged up again so I couldn't even really see the game. It wasn't as much fun as games gone by. Color me nostalgic already.


Tracy said...

Sitting in the cold is never fun. And it seems that you didn't even get the pleasure of a good view...hopefully next one is indoors. If it's any consolation, at least it's not hockey - which chilled me to the bone both indoors and out:-)

-lyn said...

Brrr ...