Friday, November 30, 2007

Renewed Energy

I took a look nap after work yesterday while Mom and John fed the kids and took Sunil to his Pack meeting.  Then I sat up for an hour to talk with Mom and went back to sleep.  Once again I skipped my workout but I feel much better today.  I'm almost perky, much to the annoyance of my cube neighbors; if I start singing or anything they will stuff me in to a closet somewhere.  Apparently their colds/allergies/winter blahs have not lessened.


I'm going to run home at lunch to pack for parade weekend.  We will stay at the Hotel Indigo tonight and watch the Children's parade in the morning.  Then Sid will run off to work and Sheela will run off to an Instant Challenge Scrimmage with her DI team, I will go home and start to bake Sheela's birthday cake.  We are decorating it with Jell-O mosaic squares.  This is one of my favorite weekends of the year.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Sounds like lots of running off:-) It's good that you're starting to feel like your normal self - might really be the winter blahs, and something telling you to slow down.