Monday, April 28, 2008

Birthday Season

The birthday season is officially underway.  "The girls" celebrated friend Brenda's birthday yesterday with a casual get together at her house.  We let her cook for us (turkey paninis, jalapeno poppers and pasta salad) and watched a movie (Dan in Real Life).  We chose a date for my birthday do (dinner and STOMP at the Music Hall).  This will actually not happen until roughly a month after my actual birthday but we've had to get more and more flexible as everyone's kids have grown older and their lives more chaotic.   And we've tentatively chosen a date for a surprise party for Sunil.  Now we just have to keep him distracted enough that he doesn't notice a lack of party planning.  This shouldn't be too hard to do as we usually end up rushing at the last minute anyway.

I've also managed to purchase tickets for his birthday ballgame and have tentative reservations at the hotel.

1 comment:

-lyn said...
