Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Chocolate Daddies

Three of the five iris that are about to bloom in my front yard are "Chocolate Daddy". I knew that I had one but the other two are bonuses. I have more than 14 buds all told so far. They aren't in the best spot (there isn't quite enough sun under the live oak tree and I know that Grammy would want me to pull up and destroy one of the plants as inferior but I can't bring myself to do it. That one (the only one actually blooming) isn't strong enough for the blooms to push their way free of the leaves. The tips are still tucked inside when the stem starts to grow which is warping the stem and the flowers are actually upside down. It is too dark to take a picture tonight. Next fall when it comes time to split them up and replant I'll try to find a sunny spot. Maybe next year they will be able to grow straight and tall.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Glad to hear about the bonus Daddies!
While I was overseas from '93-'95, a strip of land in the back yard behind the condo where my iris were planted gave way and slipped about three or four feet lower down the hill toward the lake. The plants were "rearranged" within the soil, to say the least. They all survived, albeit a bit topsy turvy and warped. After they were rescued and replanted, though, they grew straight and tall again...so, hopefully, will yours!