The proverbial fly in my holiday decorating ointment has always been the instability of my stocking hangers. I love the hangers, a set of pewter reindeer and santa's sleigh, but my mantle was wobbly. We fixed the wobble the first year. The second year we updated the stain to match the wood floors. But still the decorative molding has always been an issue. It pushes the holders too far out for them to be stable. This year Sid made a set of flat faced extension panels to extend just past the molding. Sunil is staining them to match the mantle. This year we may not need to tie the reindeer to the sleigh.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving success
Sheela and her friend Anna are now experimenting in the kitchen. It started with green pancakes with chocolate chips. Then they started mixing in sprinkles and halloween candy. Luckily I've already eaten... they are talking about making the bacon blue.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Parade tickets... almost
The tickets came today! Our section is pretty much in the same place as years gone by. We are a few sections past the grand stand, not exactly optimal as most bands and dance troops will be between songs when they pass. But I’m pleased enough. The drawback this year is that we bought eight tickets and they only mailed three. I’ve already discussed this with the parade staff and they will send out five more today (in the same section).
Let the season begin
Today apparently kicks off the unofficial eating season. I've already had homemade pumpkin bread and pecan tarts. It's not even 9AM yet.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
As long as we are on the topic of books -- I read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer over the weekend. This was the basis for the Twilight movie that was just released. I hadn't really heard of it or paid any attention to what I had heard until last week. One of my travelling companions was very up on it. His wife and his oldest daughter (12 years old) both loved the series. Then it was the basis for a
too much to chew
Monday, November 24, 2008
Holiday week
I don't feel prepared to be celebrating Thanksgiving this year (once again it approached too quickly) but I do now have both a turkey (fresh) and a paper bag (my favorite turkey trick). I actually did not find cranberries at the store so I'll have to make at least one other stop. We won't really be going "all out" this year and I actually hope to rope the kids into doing most of the cooking so it should be a good low key holiday. Actually this works out better as it leaves more time for being thankful.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Report Card Day
Today the kids should be bringing home their report cards from their second, six-weeks. I love report card day. If I ever have to yell at the children over the grades (or conduct marks) that may change but right now it is just an extra pleasant opportunity to be proud all over again.
Even better news is that we are flying out today and will be home tonight probably early enough to eat with our families. Every one of my team mates has children too. I can’t say enough good things about this team. There is a great deal of talent, experience and creativity here. When I look at the team I see everyone on it as the logical choice to be here and I’m really thankful that they let me in.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I’m even colder today than yesterday. It did get above freezing today, but it doesn’t count because we weren’t outside at the time. It’s in the teens again now and we are stretching the limits of our wardrobes. How many sweaters can you realistically wear at one time while sitting inside and trying not to look like an idiot?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Our project here is progressing well. We have been given the large conference room (on the East side) to use as the "war" room. This is very nice and the perfect size. In the morning we get the rising sun on the uninsulated concrete block wall. By noon we've lost the warming effect and by evening it becomes an ice box. A bunch of Texans and Californians freezing to death at 65 degrees. It gives us something to laugh about, not that we need to help -- we are an easily entertained lot.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A truely little thing
Sheela and went to the mall on Saturday (this is very rare). We found her a great dress for the Daddy - Daughter Ball (more about that after the event ... She doesn't want Sid to see the dress). While we were there we got sucked into buying, of all things, manicure stuff. We both love this set. Our nails are as smooth, shiney and healthy as if we'd been to the salon to have them done. They look like they are covered with clear polish but they are just buffed. The whole thing from start to finish takes less than five minutes and is simple enough for Sunil to do it.
New England
I'm bound for the Northeast this morning. I'll spend five days and four nights in Massachusetts before returning home. I'm traveling with a group of five co-workers, joining up with two others and then meeting the local half of our team. It should be a great trip -- and now that I'm packed there is nothing left to worry about as far as wardrobe. They dress a little nicer up there and a whole lot warmer. It was a stretch for me to be able to find enough suitable clothes.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Cold Front

We've had another weather change come through the area today. Our beautiful clear skies and warmth have been pushed out ahead of cold wind, clouds and rain. This picture was taken right at the transition. The drop today was only 15-20 degrees sometimes we'll do a 40 degree drop in less than two hours. Luckily the cold rarely lasts long.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Administrative Fees
Tonight we received another bill for over $1000. The Trailblazer we sold a year ago is now blowing through tolls all over town and still registered in our name. The first violation was six months and one week ago. All of the rest were since Oct 1. This time a phone call wasn't quite enough. I have to provide proof of sale for the vehicle (luckily Sid kept the odometer statement from the dealership when we sold it) before they can waive the fees. They also recommend that we notify the state.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Flat Stanley rides again
Brain and Tracy compiled a great binder of pictures and stories about Japan. Sheela has kept it hanging in the front hall closet for the last three years but today she gave it to Sunil. He will take it to school to show to his class.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sky Ranch photo
Our neighbor sent this to me last night. He took it while we were at Sky Ranch with our 5th graders.
Water Rockets
Sunil finally got to launch the water rockets they made a month ago. The rocket body is a plastic bottle with rigid foam fins taped on. The bottle is partially filled with water and then pressurized with air. When the pin is release the water is forced out through the mouth propelling the rocket in to the air. They were actually quite dramatic.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Casual day
I've been hanging out watching Home and Garden TV all afternoon. Sunil took this picture after returning from his friend's house. Sheela and her friends have gone to the park.
Sheela borrowed MY climbing shoes for last night's adventure. She can't possibly be getting that big.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Senior Night
Here is a snapshot of the boys on the way to their football game. Tonight is the last regular season game of the season for the home team. While they are saying goodbuy to the seniors Sheela, Anna and I are hanging at the house. Later Sheela and Sid will do their climbing thing while the rest of us get to sleep.
The company announced yesterday that we will be consolidating two of our different businesses and three of our physical locations in to our
The big 4-0
Sid celebrated his 40th birthday yesterday by taking us all to dinner at our favorite Mongolian BBQ place. Tonight he is taking Sunil to his first football game (local high school) and then he is taking Sheela to an all night HATs rock climbing event. In honor of the ball game Sunil bought him spirit wear. In honor of the HATs program Sheela bought him a camel back.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
County Commissioner
Well the election results are in and the counts are final. My friend Victor failed to carry the day. This was his first run at politics and against a long term incumbent so it was not an entirely unexpected defeat. I can't wait to see what he does next.
Monday, November 03, 2008
I meet with Sunil's teacher on Saturday. He is perfectly on track with reading, writing and math. His reading score put him in the 89th percentile for 2nd graders or as the equivalent of a 3rd grader after 4 months of school. What I particularly love about the assessment is the recommended actions based on current levels. Regardless of how the child performs the recommended action is always to read for 60 minutes every day to achieve maximum improvement.
Sheela's teachers have not yet scheduled their conferences.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
BB Guns
It turns out it is much easier to shot standing up. The permanent range is much better than the temp range he tried last weekend.
This year when they told us that sibs would not be allowed to use the BB guns we didn't fall for it. This is the difference in the first year and the second. Sheela was pleased to get to try her hands at it.
Fort Farrington
I don't know if it shows in this picture (the sun is too bright) but this old style fort is one of the highlights of this weekend's Cub Scout campout. I'm hoping to get a picture of the fall colors... There are some this year. It is 90 degrees here today though.