Tuesday, November 25, 2008


As long as we are on the topic of books -- I read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer over the weekend.  This was the basis for the Twilight movie that was just released.  I hadn't really heard of it or paid any attention to what I had heard until last week.  One of my travelling companions was very up on it.  His wife and his oldest daughter (12 years old) both loved the series.  Then it was the basis for a South Park episode.  I love South Park but that is a whole different topic.  Anyhow I bought the book to hold me over on the return flight (and a good thing I did too they played Mama Mia again on the plane).  I really like it even better now that I know that it is a four part series.



Tracy said...

I just recently heard about Twilight (the movie) too. Maybe I'll have to read the series.

Team Sharma said...

They are pretty good and a very quick read.