Wednesday, February 25, 2009

X-ray day

As I was at the Dr this morning for a routine visit I went ahead and asked about the increasing pain in my right knee. On Christmas Day I was sitting on the floor watching the kids play the Wii when I stood up my knee was sore. It was very minor, hardly even rating "uncomfortable" on my personal pain meter. But instead of getting better over time it has gotten worse. Now nearly two months later it rates a "twinge" when I bend the leg too far or try to twist it. I've given up on my morning exercise class (core exercises three days a week) because of the twisting. I'm still either riding the bike or using the elliptical machine without problems (now five days a week to make up for that core class). I was pretty sure that the bones and joint are fine but I've torn something. My Dr went ahead and took a few x-rays just to be sure. I've been given a few exercises to try and offered a series of visits with a physical therapist and a course of anti-inflammatories. With a meniscus tear I don't see therapy helping much and I don't see any inflammation. Instead I've opted to just take it easy for awhile and see how it goes.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Oh, so sorry. Hope the pain subsides and just fades into a dim memory soon!