Monday, July 20, 2009

Comedy of Errors

Poor Sunil had a difficult time getting himself retrieved from his unaccompanied minor flight tonight.  First I called one time too many to check his arrival time and gate.  The auto voice indicated a 1 hour delay for causes unknown.  So I told Sid to be an hour late.  Either the message was wrong or they said 5:37 but I heard 6:37 or I mistyped the flight number.  Anyhow we now know that unloved, unclaimed children are taken to a holding cell in a different terminal. 

Then when Sid tried to go through security they had a problem either with Sid not being the obvious nickname for Sudhir or the fact that his business card doesn't have his picture on it - depending on how you look at it.  In order to get around this they had to call Mom to get permission to let him pass.  On the official paperwork Mom would be Marilyn but she thinks her name is Lyn which adds another layer of complexity.

Eventually Sid was allowed to retrieve Sunil from the cell (heavily populated with other unclaimed kids) but then they had to back to the original terminal to retrieve the golf bag from the unloved unclaimed baggage holding cell.  In the end it is a happy ending and I'm pleased to have him home.

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