Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cracked tooth

Out of respect for Sheela's privacy I no longer blog her every comment and action (Sunil isn't embarassed by it yet) but she was pretty proud of her latest "doins".

She broke a tooth biting in to popcorn last night not even a kernal but the fluffy white part.  A molar split right in half.

Today the dentist pulled both halves out by hand.  The root had already resorbed (which is why the tooth was so weak) and the replacement is ready to pop through her gum.


Tracy said...

Wow - on popcorn?

Glad it seems easy to fix, and at least it wasn't a front tooth!

-lyn said...

Always something new with kids!

Brenda said...

i think its funny that sheela is limiting your blogging on her! they are growing up aren't they??