Thursday, July 30, 2009

New approach to life

Our corporate culture is heading for a shake up. I'm pretty excited about it now that we've gotten past the misrepresentations of what is to come. The initial directive was related to the hyper-precise set-up requirements sent along for the training room layout. Once we got to the actual content I was pleased. The watch words are a "culture of accountability" and the process is very positive. I spent a whole day in training this week absorbing the big picture, the watch words, the goals and the steps in the process. I was in one of the early classes but eventually all of our employees in North America will receive this same training. I was particularily impressed with the number of division Presidents and Vice-Presidents in attendence (and teaching portions of the material). What I didn't appreciate at the time was that I would be teaching the class myself by the end of August.

Yesterday I sat through a second day of training this one "Train the Trainer". A small group of us have been selected to champion this throughout the company. We have two weeks to polish up our act and then we have to start training the rest of the employees. I don't do a lot of structured, formal training so this is going to be stretch for me.

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