Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Wow, it's hot here!  Back up tp 108 outside and 98 inside.  The A/C was off while were gone.  I cleaned the fridge when we got back as a legitamte excuse to stick my head in for 20 minutes.  Now I'm going to the airconditioned store... It could take hours to choose dinner.

1 comment:

rodneyn said...

I know just how you feel. The heat has been murderous here as well. Today we hit a high of 78 degrees, and only getting down to 56 tonight! Worse yet, tomorrow it's going all the way up to 83! With the humidity....

These wild Michigan summers are brutal. We actually had a thunderstorm last week!

(I'm sorry for this post - I know that because of this we will likely get your 100+ weather come August and I will be suffering for it.......)