Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Oregon Scientific

I'm glad to have my camera back. It doesn't have the speed neccesary to take great pictures. It runs off of two AAA batteries, and I haven't yet gotten it rechargables. But I can take it everywhere. Here are a few pictures for my entertainment (yes, it's all about me).

This was the picture I took of Sunil to show that the camera was in fact working again.

A picture of Sheela doing her homework (as soon as it was assigned and not waiting to the last minute).

A picture of Mommy cooking dinner and a picture of Daddy and Sunil.

Oh and one of Sheela's Brownie Troop from last year at the Fort Worth Zoo Overnight trip. It's been stuck on the camera since May.


-lyn said...

So glad it's working again. And of course we enjoyed the pictures.

Mine still won't zoom. Or, actually, it will zoom but then it won't shoot - same effect, in the end.

Anonymous said...

Gina, my second-grader, actually did her homework right away, too. Maybe it helped that Steven heard her studying on the ride home from picking him up from high school. & We have spelling tests.