Thursday, August 31, 2006

3rd Grade Curriculum Night

I got the low down on the educational plan for Sheela and her cohorts tonight. It sounds like a fun program. They put their primary focus on critical thinking and reading skills and are working on algebra without telling them. I'm pleased with all of this.

They've started a school-wide bully-free school policy that I whole heartily endorse. They test drove it last semester with the 3rd grade class and have now rolled it out K-6th. They actually spend time with each child teaching them how to recognize the three types of bullies: physical, emotional and social and how not to give them power. This is also a love and logic concept and its impact is huge.

Sheela hasn't said much about her teacher this year. I like her but she isn't nearly as powerful a presence as Ms. DeWaters. Sheela still goes to Mrs DW's room every day after school to help her out.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Change is never easy, and yet, "If nothing ever changed there'd be no butterflies" (quote from somewhere).

Hang in there, Sheela!

PS - It's great to see that the education system is miles above what it was when I passed through it - and it wasn't even bad then.