Thursday, August 17, 2006


The point of playing a competitive sport as a child is to be to learn a number of important life lessons. Some times you win. Sometimes you lose. Either way you should do it with grace. Either way the world continues to spin. You get better if you practice. You get even better if you practice a lot. You are expected to do your best no matter how good you are... or aren't. You always treat others with respect. If you are not following the rules you aren't really playing the game. I could go on and on. The gist of it is that I'm really glad that Sheela is playing Academy ball... but I'm feeling really petty for being so proud that Sheela made the team when most of her friend's got cut. I was thrilled to find that their were so many girls from her school on the team, but we ended up three players short of being able to field two teams so they had to cut ten girls from the team including ALL of the other girls from her school.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Well, Sheela will have a new set of friends by this time next month! I know you were glad to have her old friends included, tho, and it's too bad things worked out that way.