Monday, August 28, 2006

Another handy weekend

Farhana's AC condensate line backed up and did some damage to her kitchen ceiling. She caught it before it got to be too bad but it left an unsightly stain. Saturday afternoon we scraped, textured, sealed and repainted her ceiling. Here Sid is appraising the damage.
Here Sid is showing off our clean repair. We did tear up the edges of her wallpaper pulling down the painter's tape. She insists that its okay because her next project is to pull it all down and paint the kitchen instead. That's a good news-bad news sort of thing. The paper that we pulled down came down because its a nice stripable paper that will be easy to remove. The bad news is that it was put up over a more tightly adhered paper. I suspect that layer went up on the un-primed drywall. That will be at least a weekend project for us at a future date.

After we got back home we had to change out the guts in the downstairs toilet, pull down the lower two laundry room shelves, put up a low clothing rod (in place of the shelves) and replace the shower wand in the kid's bathroom. I managed to respackle but I still have to paint behind where the shelves were and I want Sid to put the shelves back up .... above the ones that are left. I can't reach that high even on the folding ladder and I'm two lazy to pull the big ladder out of the shed.

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