or so it seemed from the inside looking out. In the end I relented and let the kids move the easel back inside. It was sunny but also cold and windy. The cold wasn't much of a problem, but the wind kept tearing the thin paper sheets.
There is some extra stress associated with letting the kids spill paint and wash water in the house but it was worth it. They had a great time and no permanent damage was done. This must be the first time they've really gotten to mix their own colors (we used acrylics instead of water colors). They did a few more later in the evening but the "art wall" only holds so many at a time.

1 comment:
Love the results! But, I see nop signatures/ dates ...
I can't help it, I'm my mother's daughter. We always had to sign and date everything for posterity.
Even if you don't save the original, the sigs/dates would show in the photos.
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