Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm playing hooky...

and its wonderful. I slept late. The kids slept late. But by 8:00 AM I was ready to drop them off at Kids Club (this is their Fall Break from school). In my original plan I was going to take the whole week off to play with them, but that didn't work out. I get today and Friday. Friday we will go to the State Fair of Texas. This year the star food attraction appears to be fried coke. It doesn't sound like much of an attraction to me but I'll at least take a look if not a taste.

Today I'm catching up on household chores. Its not that I can't do this while other people are home but I don't. So this is working out well. The Sharmas are still in San Jose, CA. I've dusted the tops of the kitchen cabinets, I've rearranged my closet and the extra bedroom closet. I've culled the kids rooms for stuff they don't remember that they have and I am hiding it until I can drop it off for a garage sale. I've cleaned behind the couch (that wasn't in my plan but Sid moved the couch this morning to find something and I took a look... yuck!) I was going to clean the inside of the refrigerator but I think I'll go get a haircut instead. Then I may spend some time filing our mountain of paperwork... or not.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

It's good to play hookey now and again. Enjoy the time!