Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rising Stars - Challenge

Sunil has been assigned to a Destination ImagiNation team. In his age group (4-7) he is a Rising Star. Their challenge is to: write and perform an eight minute long play, featuring a landmark and an invention. At some point they must use the invention to modify the landmark in some way (and it must make a sound of some kind). The land mark that they build must be large enough for at least one of the kids to get in and one of the characters in the play must wear a hat made out of newspaper. They must present at least three facts about the chosen landmark.

They have to do their own research, story writing, set design and building and make their own costumes.

The team manager is a 4th grade teach. She is lobbying to have the meetings after school in her classroom. From my point of view this is perfect! There would be no extra commuting to arrange, when its time for a meeting he can leave Kids' Club, afterwards he just checks himself back in.

Sheela's team manager hasn't contacted us yet to talk about times/locations/ or challenge selection.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Oh, my. Whew.

How many kids on his team?

Hope it works out so he can go to the meetings right after school in that classroom.

Will you get to see their performance? (Will anyone be video-ing it?!?)