Monday, September 24, 2007

50+ Balloons

We managed to wake the family up early enough on Sunday to get out to the balloon festival in time for the launch. I've never really gone there for the launch (when they didn't have to cancel due to high winds) so I was surprised to learn that they take off from a dozen different locations. That was my logical assumption until we went to the glow one year and they were all clustered together on the one site the map designated as the launch field. We watched first from a nearby school/park and then a future subdivision development in the middle of the launch fields. The kids counted at least 50 balloons but the photo ops weren't great, everything was pretty much gray in the early morning light.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Yeah, I would have thought that they'd all go from the same place...

Too bad about the grey skies, but good photos just the same!