Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mr Shoba Shoba

Our original plan for our 16th anniversary was to relive our college
days, with cheap chinese food and a dollar movie. The dollar movies
have gone up to two dollars (but are still the best deal in town). We
figured that we would just cruise around the nieghborhood by the
theater until we found a a place for cheap chinese. It is right next
door to a pretty popular asian market complex. The first place we
found was asian bbq with whole chikens and octopi prominetly displayed
in the windows. I convinced Sid to look a littel farther.

We ended up at Mr. Shoba Shoba for shoba. Apparently this is the
asian version of fondu. We each had our own boiling pot, mine was
just water but Sid's was some spicy red liquid. Then they brought us
each a platter of vegetables, and seafood bits. You throw in what you
want and boil it in to soup. Then they bring a platter of raw shaved
meat to boil. Mine was beef and Sid's was lamb. I didn't care for
their choice of bean sprouts and there was a lump of seafood that was
too rubbery for me to chew but over all it was quite tasty.


-lyn said...

Mmm, sounds yummy!
In Japan that sort of dish/cooking arrangement is called Shabu Shabu...but probably doesn't have the spicy red liquid version!

Team Sharma said...

I probably am just remembering it incorrecly Mr. Shabu Shabu sounds as likely.

Tracy said...

I love shabu shabu; though it wasn't exactly cheap Chinese food, it sounds like a tasty experience