Friday, September 07, 2007


Payday is not my favorite candy bar.  If I'm paying for candy I can almost always be relied upon to purchase chocolate in some form or other.  However there is something really yummy about the salty peanuts with the sugar so it's fair to say that I won't turn one away if it is offered to me.  That is just one of the many things that I appreciate about National Payroll Week; our "payroll Princess" passes out Payday candy bars with our paychecks in honor of this annual celebration.  Okay it may be the only thing that I actually appreciate about National Payroll Week but it's a start.  See, bribery really does work!


1 comment:

-lyn said...

Well, I suppose the check would still be my favorite part of pay day, :-) but I certainly wouldn't turn down the candy bar, either. I, too, don't usually choose that one, but I do love them.