Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Happy Halloween

I was hoping to have some photos from the company party to share but that will have to wait.  Thursday was our 9th Orthoween party at work.  The Marketing Department did a spoof of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory complete with inflating a girl to look like a blueberry to tie for first place with the accounts receivable department’s reprisal of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.  My favorite was the IT department’s 1980’s MTV Video Award show.  Different people filmed themselves singing the songs and then edited the original videos to feature themselves.  My friend Steve shaved his head, put ona dress and did a Sinead O’Conner song, Suzi did Madonna, we also had Devo, Kiss, ZZ Top and Rick Ansely.  Excellent!  Once again went around with the judges for a prime viewing spot.  I did not intend to be in costume but was drafted to fill up the giant underwear as the Fruit of the Loom grape leaves.  There were five of us in that underwear.


The kids are mostly costumed up.  Sunil is going to be a werewolf and Sheela a vampire.  They’ve both found friends to Trick-or-treat with tonight.


Today Sheela has some friends over helping her make her campaign posters.  She’s running for PRIDE council president.


Sunil has gone to escort his friend back home.  The friend got poked in the eye with a light saber (she’s okay) but she’s had enough of the boys for today.


Sid’s catching up on property stuff.  I’ve been alternately working from home and cooking.  The kids carved albino pumpkins this morning and we roasted the seeds.  They look good (the seeds) and they smell good but when its all said and done they’re still pumpkin seeds and more trouble than they are worth.  I made shrimp fettuccini for lunch and have an apricot pork loin in the crock pot for dinner.


The sun is shinning today so I keep finding excuses to just go stand outside for a few minutes.  If I could kick the kids out of the house I’d go for a bike ride.   

1 comment:

-lyn said...

So sorry there are no pictures of you guys in that underwear!