Thursday, November 12, 2009

Inspired by Tracy

As a special favor to the birthday boy the kids and I cleaned out our front hall closet last weekend.  Here it is in its organized splendor.  New hooks along the back allow us to hang up the newly updated zoo backpack (contains refillable zoo cups, monorail passes and carousel tokens), the camping backpacks (flashlights, mess gear, lanterns, air mattress pumps, etc) and all of the camel backs.  The real difference is in restricting the hanging rod to two coats apiece.  We have hooks in the front too for my purse and everyday coat, Sheela’s backpack and favorite sweatshirt, Sunil’s baseball bag and backpack, and Sid’s sweatshirt and windbreaker.  Unfortunately it’s been nearly a week and the pieces that didn’t go back in are on the floor in the front hall.  Fun for another day I guess.


-lyn said...

Proud on ya! And I'm sure you'll find homes for the rest of the stuff,too.

Tracy said...

Now I'm flattered. And impressed - your closet is far more organized than mine:-)