Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So this was the trip that should never have been.  It took two weeks longer to schedule than it should have needed and changed purposes at least three times.  In the end I came up early enough to spend the whole afternoon in the office where I spent the whole time calling in to meetings that I needed to attend back in TX.  Meanwhile a truck wiped out a telephone pole next to the tissue bank's distribution facility.  The real reason to be here was to become familiar with their customer service/distribution interface.  The telephone pole wiped out a series of serious high powered power lines.  The live lines constituted a serious risk to public health and safety.  The police closed the facility.  No shipments yesterday or today.  I was supposed to go to the other location but as no shipments were going to be made the customer service department was busy calling all of their customers to apologize.

While this was going on I did manage to drop down to Freehold to visit Rav and Renee for dinner (the trip highlight).  I saw Samantha for a few minutes and talked to Katie on the phone.

Then I tried to check in to the hotel only to be turned away.  My confirmed reservation pulled up in their system for next week.  No biggee - I went across the street.

Today I went to a training class in the office here that I've wanted for 2 years.  It is taught by a group of my friends from TX.  Not really worth a flight here but at least I got something out of it.  Now I'm heading home.

On the Hilton situation a further investigation by my travel agent and the hotel general manager has determined that someone at the hotel altered my reservation when I showed up late and then tried to blame it on a programming glitch.


-lyn said...

Oh, well, you came through it all with your equilibrium intact ... and that says a lot about you!
Proud on ya.

Anonymous said...

One of those cases where everything that can go wrong will go wrong...